3 Responses

  1. Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman September 4, 2017 at 10:01 pm |

    Actually the exothermic reaction is simply a calcium oxide and water. No magnesium to potentially explode! Very simple and safe… These are great for campers who carry only one small camp stove but want to enjoy hot coffee while they’re making breakfast.

    A great idea would be a reusable beverage mug with disposable exothermic cartridges you insert in the bottom to heat the liquid with. When finished, you simply dispose of the spent cartridges.

  2. Lance
    Lance July 6, 2018 at 7:56 am |

    Really miss this product. Surprisingly convenient. No loss of time or energy having to “get coffee” – which adds up to less production; especially when certain workers seem to always have parking problems and/or being caught in traffic. And the generic office chore swill swings wildly depending on whose week it is, often only marginally acceptable when covered up with loads of cream and sugar. A fatigue-generating effort. Again, miss the product.


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