3 Responses

  1. Mr_Alyk
    Mr_Alyk March 17, 2008 at 7:03 pm |

    I had a terrible experience with E. Webscapes. I received a quote, paid up-front for the job, then never heard back. After a couple of increasingly urgent e-mails to Lisa, she E-mailed back telling me she’s refunding fees on four projects she took on, but can’t complete. My project was one of the four. That left me 8 weeks behind on an extremely urgent project (my current host is threatening to pull the plug because we outgrew them!) Now I have to pay for expedited service; our $100 job will now cost me $400.

    I do not reccomend E. Webscapes or Lisa Sabin-Wilson. No professional would ever leave a client hanging like that. She should have at least found another company to take on the project, rather than offering an empty apology and a refund.

    Terrible service- I heard nothing but excuses for their poor service.

  2. Leanne
    Leanne April 19, 2008 at 1:32 pm |


    I am so terribly disappointed to read this. I was left with the impression that we had a really great working relationship and that after I completed your design you were very pleased and even told me it was great.

    I worked within the time frame and delivered your project according to your own specs. Not having access to tweak the code live on your site, I had to work within the limitations you set for me – I had nothing to work with but mocked in text and areas I was coding based on your description alone. I do realize that certain browsers were a bit buggy at first, but resolved all of those issues, at least that’s what you indicated and what I viewed when I did my cross-browser check. Again, not having the actual live site to complete the installation and do my own thorough run down of the code was not advantageous to either of us.

    Not one of my projects has ever gone beyond deadline because of my own commitments, at least you certainly seemed very understanding when my mother was having open heart surgery and I was out of town for a few days.

    I am very sorry that you are disappointed with the service that I provided you and wish you had told me you needed more time to review the last tweaked zip file I provided as I most certainly would have left your project open an extended time if you indicated it was necessary.

    I absolutely pride myself on customer satisfaction and care and am positively dumbfounded that you are the least bit dissatisfied with the work I provided.

  3. Christopher Price
    Christopher Price April 20, 2008 at 7:07 pm |

    Leanne, perhaps you aren’t familiar with my work. If you want a flawless review, you won’t find one here. I’ve never written a review that says “everything’s perfect” and I don’t plan to start here. If you think my review was scathing, or negative… well, I suggest you read some reviews over on PhoneNews.com to see what that really is.

    The work was satisfactory. It took longer than expected (25-30 business days was the estimate, it took closer to 40 when all ways said and done… not counting holidays either), however, most of my complaints were in regard to E.Webscapes policies, not your work.

    I noted how you worked with us to get the job completed on time by supplying beta copies. I really think you’re mixing complaints about the process with complaints about your work.

    If the final product for PhoneNews.com wasn’t satisfactory, we wouldn’t have put it online.

    If you re-read the review, you’ll see that I said that I would recommend E.Webscapes, but only if they removed their 72-hour window for bug fixing.

    The problems in regard to working out the final approval issues stemmed from that requirement imposed by your employer. You yourself said you would have to charge an hourly rate to fix the remaining issues until I noted when we brought up the issues initially.


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