Windows Home Server Now in Stores…

Windows Home Server has finally landed in the United States. It’s in-stock on sites like (product link). For some reason, foreign localizations were shipped to stores about a month ago, but at least you can finally buy a copy. In case you missed out on the betas, Microsoft says they will be offering a […]

Dell Inspiron 530 BIOS Update

The Inspiron 530 has quickly become quite a popular system… especially for the bargain-hunters out there. So, I’m happy to report that BIOS 1.0.5 was released late last week. It fixes some nasty issues that were introduced in 1.0.3… so everyone should head on over to, download, and update. Update: Old post, but popular […]

The State of EFI with Vista SP1

Back when Vista was brewing, there was a lot of questions about how EFI would play on Intel-based Macs… the first consumer systems with EFI fully enabled. Most Intel-based systems today actually have the capability to support EFI, but have it disabled in their BIOS. Intel’s new Santa Rosa systems are the first that enforce […]

On New Hosting… Oh, and Bungie…

Like, my blog has also made the jump to RapidVPS hosting. Took a bit longer to get things back up-and-running because took priority. On a completely unrelated note, Bungie has confirmed they’re going independent. A lot of people have said that this means Apple & Bungie working together are a no-go… but this […]

OnTech Adds Soup to Self-Heating Lineup

OnTech, the folks that brought self-heating coffee to the United States, have done it once again. They have added chicken soup and tomato soup to their self-heating lineup. I’ve plugged OnTech in the past on the Blog, their self-heating coffees have pulled me through many sleepless nights (but more importantly, the days after the […]

Upgrade Your iPod? Re-buy Your Games…

Apple today rolled out updated versions of the games available for iPod. Specifically, these updated versions work with the new iPod nano and classic. Problem is, if you own a 5G iPod, and already bought the game, Apple says you have to re-buy the game. The wireless providers however, begs to differ on this trend. […]

Make BitTorrent Lemons into Lemonade

I am on vacation until the end of the month, but this post was done… and I’ll still be churning out reviews for phones over on… For those of you who have been looking for a way to get your big files fast (and no, not in the Sprint failed-ad-campaign sense), here’s an option […]

Dell, Give Folks Their 64-bit Media

I’m going to give Dell one warning. Give folks their 64-bit media for Vista, when they request it. Dell claims that OEM copies of Vista cannot be switched between 32-bit and 64-bit installs. This is flat out wrong, a photocopied misconception, and a rather shameful response by the world’s largest PC maker. For example, you […]