Twitter? Thanks, but no thanks…

I really don’t get the big fuss about Twitter. If I want to send myself a shopping list, it gets emailed (or “noted”, as Apple Mail now does so elegantly). If I want to send a quick blast out to some people… again, email (or SMS a distant second). If I want to shout out […]

Live from Black Friday…

Shopping in my area has become an arms race over the years. I remember when I would be standing outside Staples, head over to Circuit City… and still get all the deals. Then the lines started. Getting in the first ten slots was easy. Now, I drive over and find the spot in line outside […]

Best Friday Deal: Office 2004 & 2008 for Mac – $32 AR

Microsoft’s Mac team is rolling out what they call the “Best. Friday. Deal.” Considering the lukewarm Black Friday deals (and yes, I will keep calling them that at every opportunity)… they may be right. Friday (that’s today in about 90 minutes)… you can get Office 2004 for Mac, Student & Teacher Edition for only $32 […]