3 Responses

  1. Ruben Bursztyn
    Ruben Bursztyn October 22, 2008 at 6:22 pm |

    Hi ,
    I just buy a Abacus smart watch , and want to suscribe to msn direct for one year , but i will like to know more information about your update , from microsoft , and what i should do …. thanks in advance

  2. Christopher Price
    Christopher Price October 22, 2008 at 6:37 pm |

    What I would suggest… is to just use the free service that Microsoft now offers to MSN Direct Smart Watches.

    Thankfully, you no longer need to pay $39.99/$59.99/year to use the most powerful services. Those tiers are only necessary if you want trivial features like messaging yourself via Windows Live Messenger.

    So, the good news is, you don’t need to subscribe. Just charge up your watch and use it.

  3. gary
    gary October 17, 2009 at 8:14 am |

    SHAMEFUL!!! To derail such a brilliant technological accomplishment! I have friends with IPHONES who envy me my MSN watch!!!

    Let’s see APPLE make a wristwatch THIS clever!
    Better yet, let’s see Apple make devices that will receive MSN Direct data!! 🙂


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