More Macworld on Friday

Unfortunately, I am exhausted, and I’m not going to spend added exhaustion on rushing out Macworld news. Sleep hasn’t come much this year, I’ve been running on less than five hours of sleep both days. It’s coming, but it will come Friday and into the weekend after the show. I will not be at the show Thursday due to a previous schedule conflict.

I would say sorry folks, oh, wait, there really hasn’t been anything to report.

In all honesty, this year’s show has been turning out to be more of a dud. Office 2008 was the big non-Apple offering… and that is very old news. Oh, and Modbook is finally shipping (which actually happened pre-Macworld too). Day late and dollar short on the Modbook front in my opinion.

There certainly is a much greater non-Mac presence this year, which is a major miss since nobody is interested in checking them out. Acura is pushing a car, and countless iPod/iPhone accessory retailers line the aisles. It just would have been nice to have seen a greater batch of new consumer offerings… for the Mac.

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