Leopard Blocks Disks on the Dock

And, the first real hinderance in Leopard leaks onto the web. While Leopard has added stacks, Apple has removed the ability to place your hard disk on the dock.

Why is (or rather, was) a powerful feature? Multiple reasons. First, you could control-click on the drive and gain a pop-up menu that lets you browse your entire hard drive. This is great for going a couple of folders deep, especially when you already have dozens of windows open, and don’t want to open another.

But, even more powerful in my opinion, was that you could tweak the Dock to view invisible files. Combining the two… you could gain invisible file browsing of your entire hard drive quickly and easily. Enabling invisible file view in the Finder is awful, because you see dozens (and, if you have a lot of programs, hundreds) of invisible files. You don’t want to see that every time you use your computer.

Hopefully Apple will listen to feedback, and give your dock back some drive access… Stacks are great, but they shouldn’t be mutually exclusive to what the Dock can already do.

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