Idea: Auction Off Old Giant Apple Products for Charity

Last month, I was at CTIA Wireless IT, the same day Apple was rolling out new iPods. I walked by the Apple Retail Store on Market St (in San Francisco), and noticed them hauling out the old 3rd-generation iPod nanos.

Only they weren’t the ones that you buy. Rather, they were the giant mock-ups that adorn the outside windows of Apple Stores.

These go to a junk pile… neeedlessly, in my opinion. There are hordes of Mac fanatics that would like to own such a piece of Apple history.

So, to Apple: Sell them on eBay, and put the proceeds to charity. You’ll do a good deed, and a lot of Apple loyalists will have a blast too. Plus, instead of sitting in a landfill, they can sit in someone’s house… like mine.

I’d like to point you to a feedback page, where you can send support for the idea. Unfortunately, Apple does not have a feedback page for their retail stores…

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