First Palm Pre Owner on Sprint Relay Data-only (Updated Again)

Sprint has crowned me the first Palm Pre owner on their Relay Data-only plan. Unfortunately, being on the bleeding edge of things isn’t so easy. Sprint didn’t relay (no pun) the activation protocol to the Relay team… so they’re trying to figure out how we’re going to get activated.

Obviously, Sprint wants to keep Relay under the radar of most customers, so you won’t see it as an online activation option. You apparently need to know the plan code, and have your plan already on Relay (just like how non-SERO customers couldn’t switch to SERO). And, once you’re on that tier, only then can the (hidden) plan code be applied.

Bottom line, Relay Data-Only may or may not be an under-the-table offering, or Sprint could be intending it only to be for the hard of hearing. I don’t know, either way, they’re quite happy it’s me being the crash test dummy… than someone else (like, a normal customer).

I’m sure you’re wondering, on the Pre Data-only configuration, if Sprint traded Sprint TV and Sprint Navigation for the Phone As Modem offering (5 GB PAM is normally included on the Relay Data-only plan). I don’t know yet, but I suspect the answer is yes from the preliminary info I’ve been given. As soon as I do, I’ll pass the info along.

Update: Sprint just informed me that the Relay Data-only plan codes for the Pre are not in their system yet. They’re coming though, they told me “(not to expect) any extended delays.” But, since it’s 4 PM on Friday (Overland Park Standard Time), I don’t think it’s going to be up and running until next week.

Update 2: The Sprint Relay Store web site has moved the Palm Pre to a pre-order page. Hopefully I’ll know more next week, as to if people who already got the device will have to wait even longer for the plan to be available.

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